XR IST PartDem invites global XR rebels to a Global Networking Space every Friday @17h CET where there is an opportunity to listen to each other's stories on participative democracy in the context of climate and ecological justice. It is a platform to exchange expertise, experiences, ideas and understanding of the challenges of existing barriers to empowering people through participative democracy. Wherever possible, these forums will be conducted in languages other than English (with simultaneous interpreting into English), in order to allow global rebels to be free to express themselves, unrestrained, in their mother tongue.
Our first PartDem Global Networking Space(GNS) welcomed 25 people from both the Majority and Minority Worlds.The forum opened with a brief explanation on the differences of citizens' and people's assemblies, followed by a rebel telling their story/case study. There was then a opportunity for facilitated deliberation; the forum came to a close with a summation and, hopefully, reflection on how we may all take one step closer to engaging in collective participative democracy for the sake of our Earth.
Global Networking Space
Most Fridays at 17h CET //16h UTC
Bellow an example list of past GNS subject meetings. The meetings are hapening just now and are announced at XR and PartDem media channels (Mattermost, whatsup, telegram, and social media). We are improving these media. For information on the next GNS you can also contact: XRInt-PartDemocracy@protonmail.com
10 July - At 16h UTC via Livestream
A tale of two Cities: Citizens' Assemblies experience in France and UK
A Tale of Two Cities: - What came next with the French Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat and the UK Climate Assembly? XR Global Participative Democracy invite you to our Global Networking Space via livestream on XR Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Zoom channels :
Claire Mellier, Systems Change & Participation Practitioner(https://www.involve.org.uk/resources/blog/opinion/convention-citoyenne-pour-le-climat-what-can-we-learn-french-citizens), presents the French case: - Key design principles (mandate, format, process)- Overview of the votes- Context (what has happened since the votes - political and media context)- What next? What can we learn from this democractic experiment at this stage?
Alex Bradbury, core member of XR-UK CAWG, presents the UK case: Climate Assembly UK-general update, COVID briefing and what happens next...
We hope to be joined by other key members involved in either of these CAs on Climate and Ecological Justice
We will then invite questions from the audience via XR social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Zoom
Date: Friday 10th July; 17h BST(UK)/18h CEST
26 June
The Rainbow of Participatory Democracy: An opportunity to learn about Citizens' Councils
Like CA's, Citizen's Councils are based on sortition, yet they are smaller and more cost-effective, especially for regional or municipal purposes. There have been many successful instances in Austria and Germany, to the point that they are #6 in the new OECD report's list of "12 models of representative deliberative processes". (Citizen's Assemblies are of course #1!) Here is the link to the report: https://www.oecd.org/governance/innovative-citizen-participation-and-new-democratic-institutions-339306da-en.htm . For stories and videos about the Citizen's Councils, see https://tinyurl.com/CC-WC-DF. The question to breakout rooms :
How might something like this be useful in your communities?
12 June
Co-creating a Permanent XR Hardship Fund
Co-creating a Ppermanent hardship fund to provide for one-off financial relief to all XR rebels to foster equity in XR activism. My question will be: 'How may we make fundraising along the themes of global cultural creativity? ' Then we breakout in small group discussions followed by open plenary for questions and discussions. ALL welcome
05 June
The Global Support COVID-19 Project
The Global Support (GS) COVID19 Project Team was formed in March 2020 to create a cohesive response on behalf of GS to supporting local groups around the world in response to COVID-19.
Global Support Covid-19 Toolkit: We feel that COVID19 is now THE reality in which all of XR exists and operates and it doesn’t make sense for us to work on the topic in a separate project group but to respond to it in all areas of our work. This Toolkit is meant to communicate to XR groups across the Globe what types of support the different Global Support working groups can provide and how to reach them. '' Then we breakout in small group discussions followed by open plenary for questions and discussions. ALL welcome
22 Mai
XR’s Third Demand: Global Exchanges on How to Realize it.
Rebels all over the globe are working on Extinction Rebellion’s third demand. How can different forms of participative democracy function as answers to the climate and ecological emergency? The various political contexts in which rebels operate, show an unequal distribution of means to act and levels of political freedom. In this Global Networking Space, XR members from different continents share some of the challenges they’re facing when concretizing and trying to realize the third demand. Their presentations will be followed by discussions in breakout rooms.
15 Mai
Flatpack Democracy – taking political power at a local level.
Ten years ago a group of individuals evolved a new way to run their town after taking power in local elections almost by mistake. The basic ideas have been taken on and further developed by others. As we move out of lockdown, in which many people have stepped up and been involved locally, and back to a world where democracy doesn’t exist, is this a moment to look for new ways to reclaim politics by and for the people?
The question for breakout rooms is: ‘Why not’
08 Mai
French Citizens Assembly outcomes
Maxime from XR France will talk about the FRENCH CITIZEN ASSEMBLY ON CLIMATE CHANGE which is happening right now in France since October 2019 and will end in June. After presenting XR France opinion about it, we will breakout in small groups to discuss (1) what are the best strategy to use to make Citizen Assembly happen in your country (2) and what should XR position be in a case a citizen assembly is being created by the government ? (3) Then we will have an open plenary for questions and discussions. ALL welcome.
01 May
Prof Rupert Read webinar
Prof Rupert Read who's agreed to give a webinar on the title of: 'The challenge of making deliberative democracy work in the middle of our emergency- coronavirus, the CEE and the precautionary principle. '
24 April
The first National Citizens' Assembly in Germany “Bürgerrat Demokratie”
Der Jo is part of the working group on the third demand of XR Germany. He will talk about the first national citizens' assembly in Germany “Bürgerrat Demokratie”. He was in the organizing team of this CA in September 2019. It was a significant push for deliberative formats in Germany. The extraordinary thing: it was initiated by an non governmental association and foundation and had a remarkably big impact in the end. Listen and get inspired! More information on this CA: https://www.buergerrat.de/english/ Then we breakout in small group discussions followed by open plenary for questions and discussions.
17 April
From Grassroots to Global Citizens Assembly, updated
Justin will talk about the 'Grassroots to Global (G2G) – ‘Pause: Reset' approach that aims to build from person to person conversations, through peoples’ assemblies, to culminate in a Global Citizens Assembly (GCA). Then we breakout in small groups to discuss: (1) whether people in other countries would like to pursue parallel processes, and (2) explore whether a 'Pause: Reset' approach with a focus on ensuring healthy peoples and planet might be the best way of framing this. – Then we will have a open plenary for questions and discussions.
10 April
Digital Peoples Assembly: Circular Economy expert talk
Lars, a Circular Economy expert, will provide an amazing talk followed by breakout discussion rooms where members will formulate 3 policy recommendations to implementation. Back to the main session we will vote on the best recommendations.
The expert shares the view: 'We share the vision of a circular economy. An idea for a truly sustainable future that works without waste, in symbiosis with our environment and resources. A future where every product is designed for multiple cycles of use, and different material or manufacturing cycles are carefully aligned, so that the output of one process always feeds the input of another.'
I Lars Zimmermann is a designer, artist, activist, educator and author
based in Berlin. He is involved in a variety of projects most of them
about Open Source & Circular Economy. He runs a studio for Open Design, Activism & Urbanism called Mifactori, teaches and publishes articles and videos
Practical Stuff: https://mifactori.de
Theory: https://opencircularity.info